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最早提到他们的应该是萨福(不过不确定我没找到资料),但这个故事的第一个记载在公元前三世纪,罗德岛阿波罗尼乌斯的《阿尔戈诺蒂卡》( Argonautica),讲述疯狂激情的塞勒涅拜访公平的恩底弥翁。




The eternally sleeping Endymion was proverbial,[73] but exactly how this eternal sleep came about and what role, if any, Selene may have had in it is unclear. According to the Catalogue of Women, Endymion was the son of Aethlius (a son of Zeus), and Zeus granted him the right to choose when he would die.[74] A scholiast on Apollonius says that, according to Epimenides, Endymion fell in love with Hera, and Zeus punished him with eternal sleep.[75] However, Apollodorus says that because of Endymion's "surpassing beauty, the Moon fell in love with him, and Zeus allowed him to choose what he would, and he chose to sleep for ever, remaining deathless and ageless".[76] Theocritus portrays Endymion's sleep as enviable because (presumably) of Selene's love for him.[77] Cicero seems to make Selene responsible for Endymion's sleep, so that "she might kiss him while sleeping".[78] The Roman playwright Seneca, has Selene abandoned the night sky for Endymion's sake having entrusted her "shining" moon chariot to her brother Helios to drive.[79] The Greek satirist Lucian's dialogue between Selene and the love goddess Aphrodite has the two goddesses commiserate about their love affairs with Endymion and Adonis, and suggests that Selene has fallen in love with Endymion while watching him sleep each night.[80] In his dialogue between Aphrodite and Eros, Lucian also has Aphrodite admonish her son Eros for bringing Selene "down from the sky".[81]

另外,修普诺斯爱上恩底弥翁使他永久沉睡的版本出自《德伊普诺索菲斯特》(Deipnosophistae),里面的诗人Likymnios of Chios(不知道该咋翻译)的叙述。

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